Hi, I’m Jared.
A musician and writer in Brooklyn, NY, I’m also a longtime enthusiast of astrology. I started learning the basics circa 2008, but my obsession really took off ten years later when Uranus entered Taurus, my ninth house. I’ve been a consulting astrologer since the dark days of April 2020. As a writer and editor, I’ve contributed core content to two astrology apps—Cusp and Stars Align (coming soon?)—The Mountain Astrologer’s online blog, and the German astrology magazine Meridian.
My pseudonym, “Mercurius George,” was originally born as a tongue-in-cheek Twitter handle. I was more surprised than anyone when this goofy name (and accompanying avatar) grew into a full-blown online persona. Though I sometimes feel silly practicing astrology under a name that is quite literally a joke, I’ve decided to maintain my relative anonymity for the time being. I do this to keep my astrology practice separate from the rest of my life and retain a sense of personal freedom as I continue to explore my spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, safe from the prying digital eyes of Every Person I’ve Ever Met. But don’t worry, if you book a consultation with me, I promise I will be a person with a face!
My astrological lineage:
From a technical standpoint, I primarily practice Hellenistic astrology. That said, I am a bit of a Jung enthusiast, and I’ve inevitably picked up plenty of interpretive principles that grew out of modern psychological astrology. Austin Coppock has been my primary guide and mentor for navigating this synthesis of new and old, particularly through his course Fundamentals of Astrology, and I’ve also studied with Demetra George and Larry Arrington. I’m heavily indebted to Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast (and all his lovely guests) for valuable contributions to my learning. Lastly, I’ve picked up innumerable insights and skills from my brilliant friends and peers who are fortunately too numerous to name.
What I use in consultations (for the nerds):
Whole sign houses
Essential and accidental dignity
Traditional rulership scheme (Saturn rules Aquarius, etc.)
Major/Ptolemaic aspects
Outer planets as modifiers, amplifiers, and generational signatures
Eclipses & the lunar nodes (a la Austin Coppock, not the Evolutionary model)
Timing techniques
always: annual profections, transits
sometimes: solar returns, circumambulations of the bounds, zodiacal releasing, secondary progressions
Fixed star conjunctions (occasionally)
My intuition 🔮
What I don’t usually use in consultations (but may use personally):
Asteroids, Centaurs
Modern rulership scheme
Plenty of Hellenistic, medieval, and modern techniques
Fixed star parans
Minor aspects (no sesquiquadrates here!)
Other forms of divination, such as tarot